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Automotive technology program earns ASE certification

 L->R: Richard Medeiros, Steven Moniz, Neil Arruda, Steve Cloutier, Maria Torres, Andrew Rebello...
L->R: Richard Medeiros, Steven Moniz, Neil Arruda, Steve Cloutier, Maria Torres, Andrew Rebello, Brian Bentley, Michael Farias

Diman’s automotive technology program has been certified by the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Education Foundation. To achieve this recognition, Diman’s program underwent extensive evaluation by ASE using nationally-accepted standards of instruction, facilities, and equipment.

Steven Cloutier, the Automotive Technology department head (now retired) spearheaded the task of coordinating the evaluation of the program, ensuring that the instructors met all requirements. Cloutier also ensured that the facility and equipment met the rigorous standards set forth by the ASE Education Foundation.

Diman’s program was certified at the Automotive Service Technology level, which includes; automatic transmission/transaxle, brakes, electrical systems, engine performance, engine repair, heating and air conditioning, manual drive train and axles, and suspension and steering.

ASE, formerly known as NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation), is a national nonprofit agency that tests and certifies repair technicians in addition to certifying automotive training programs.