- Diman Regional Voc-Tech
- Overview
Special Education Links
SEPAC Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Diman's parent advisory council for special education.
Apps for Students with Learning Disabilities
Good edtech apps can make a real difference to any child’s learning, and they can be particularly helpful for students with learning disabilities. Finding the right app is important: different apps are targeted at different learning needs and styles, and matching the app to the student will always be important.
Fall River Police Department Autism & Special Needs Child I.D. Program
The FRPD is offering parents and guardians the option of providing law enforcement information about your child/dependent for the purposes of safety, identification, and medical treatment.
Project Gutenberg - Free eBooks
Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.
TI-84 Graphing Calculator Cheat Sheet
The TI-84 Plus graphing calculator, the most popular calculator in the world, just got a makeover! Find out the important keystrokes you’ll need to know to use the TI-84 Plus, and learn the math functions and constants that the TI-84 Plus makes available to you. Get to know the basics of graphing on your TI-84 Plus, as well as how to use the calculator’s zoom commands and special menus.
A Family Guide to Transition Services in Massachusetts
Massachusetts students with disabilities who receive special education services are entitled under federal and state laws to receive appropriate transition services to support their movement beyond school, beginning at age 14. Massachusetts has a long tradition of providing transition planning for students with the most significant disabilities to access appropriate adult services as needed under Massachusetts Chapter 688 (1984).
In addition, IDEA, the federal special education legislation, and Chapter 71B, the Massachusetts special education law, contain expanded responsibilities for providing for the transition of all children with disabilities that are eligible for special education. This Family Guide to Transition Services in Massachusetts is intended to assist parents, students, and the professionals who serve them to better understand these requirements and improve their access to appropriate transition services.
The 10 Best Books for Parents of Children with Special Needs
From the Achievement Center of Texas
Parenting is hard but parenting a kid with special needs can prove to be even harder. However, no matter how hard (or even easy!) it gets, it’s important to remember that it is ALWAYS OKAY for you to ask for help. Problems rise, things happen and sometimes the answers just don’t come as quickly as we need them to. Parenting woes can conquer the best of us, so here’s a list of books to help you on your journey raising your child with special needs.
This Matters To Me: Autism makes me ‘different, not less’
Article from Fall River Herald News, September 19, 2014
Lessons Learned from Special Education Teacher
Great advise on how to handle special education classroom