People with Mobility Impairments ~ Evacuation Guidelines

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    The following general guidelines are designed to assist those with mobility impairments during a building evacuation.

    Building Evacuation

    • Check the intended evacuation route for obstacles, if possible. Smoke, debris, flooding, loss of electricity or other impediments may be present.
    • If Unsafe to Evacuate Person with Mobility Difficulty from the building, please move them to one of the following areas for evacuation:
    • Stairwells with Evacuation Chairs
    • C Wing, 2nd Floor end of Hallway
    • B Wing, 2nd Floor end of Hallway
    • A Wing, 2nd Floor middle Stairwell
    • A room with a closed door, located a safe distance from the hazard
    • Exit balconies and corridors
    • If the building alarm sounds, or an evacuation is ordered, and you are unable to evacuate without assistance and are unaware of the area to wait for assistance, immediately contact extension 1970 and a teacher will notify an Administrator.
    • Do NOT attempt to use the chairlift unless specifically authorized to do so by fire or police personnel.
    • Proceed to the nearest pre-designated area noted above. First responders will be notified as to your location.
    • If not in stairwell, do not leave the designated safe location unless forced to by a hazardous situation (such as fire in your immediate area). Keep doors tightly closed, and if needed, place an article of clothing across bottom of door to keep smoke out. Move towards windows, do NOT break windows or open unless room becomes filled with smoke. Breaking windows prematurely may draw more smoke into the room.


    Deaf or Hard of Hearing Impairment

    • Alternate warning system other than Alarm Sounding
    • Light switch on and off
    • Visual instructions


    Low Vision or Blindness

    • Inform the person nature of emergency and offer your arm for guidance
    • Give verbal instructions
    • Advise where you are and where obstacles are located
    • When you reach safety, orient the person to their surroundings


    Crutches, Canes, Walkers or Wheelchairs

    Evacuation chairs located at top of stairwells Authorized/trained personnel use evacuation chairs for those with mobility impairment.

    Rev. 11/2021