- Diman Regional Voc-Tech
- Section I – Instruction
- IHBHE - Remote Learning (Social Distance Operational Plan)
Policy Manual
Page Navigation
- Overview
Section A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- AA - School District Legal Status
- AAA - Name Of School District
- AC - Non-Discrimination Policy Including Harassment and Retaliation
- AC-R-1 Complaints Of Discrimination
- AC-R-2 - Notice Of Nondiscrimination And Compliance With Title Ix And Chapter 622
- ACA - Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Sex
- ACAB - Harassment
- ACE - Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Disability
- AD - Educational Philosophy
- ADA - School District Goals And Objectives
- ADC - Smoking On School Premises
- ADC-R/ GBED-R - Alcohol Consumption At School Functions
- ADDA - Background Checks
- ADDA-E-1 - Information Concerning The Process In Correcting A Criminal Record
- ADDA-E-2 - C.O.R.I. Requirements
- ADDA-R - DCJIS Model C.O.R.I. Policy
- ADF - School District Wellness Program
- AE - Commitment To Accomplishment
Section B - Board Governance & Operations
- BA - School Committee Operational Goals
- BAA - Evaluation Of School Committee Operational Procedures
- BBA - School Committee Powers And Duties
- BBAA - School Committee Member Authority
- BBB - Board Membership - Elections/ Appointment
- BBBA/BBBB - School Committee Member Qualifications/Oath of Office
- BBBC - School Committee Member Resignation
- BBBE - Unexpired Term Fulfillment
- BCA - School Committee Member Ethics
- BCA-E - Member Statement
- BDA - School Committee Organizational Meeting
- BDB - School Committee Officers
- BDD - School Committee/ Superintendent-Director Relationship
- BDDA - Support Of The Superintendent-Director
- BDE - Subcommittees Of The School Committee
- BDF - Advisory Committees To The School Committee
- BDFA - School Improvement Council
- BDFA-E - School Improvement Plan
- BDFB - Program Advisory And General Advisory Committees
- BDG - School Attorney
- BDH - Consultant Services To The Board
- BE - School Committee Meetings
- BE-R - Conduct Of Meetings
- BEB - Special Meetings
- BEC - Executive Sessions
- BEDA - Notification of School Committee Meetings
- BEDB - Agenda Format
- BEDC/BEDF - Quorum And Voting
- BEDCA - Meeting Remote Participation
- BEDD - Rules Of Order
- BEDG - Minutes
- BEDH - Public Comment At School Committee Meetings
- BEE - Special Procedures For Conducting Hearings
- BG - School Committee Policy Development
- BGB - Policy Adoption
- BGC - Policy Revision And Review
- BGD - School Committee Review Of Regulations
- BGE - Policy Dissemination
- BGF - Suspension Of Policies
- BHC - School Committee / Staff Communications
- BHE - Use Of Electronic Messaging By School Committee Members
- BIA - New School Committee Member Orientation
- BIBA - School Committee Conferences, Conventions, And Workshops
- BID - School Committee Member Compensation And Expenses
- BIE - Liability Of Board Members
- BJ - School Committee Legislative Program
- BK - School Committee Memberships
- BDC - Appointed Committee Officials
Section C – General School Administration
- CA - Administration Goals
- CB - Regional School Superintendent-Director
- CBB - Recruitment And Selection Of Superintendent-Director
- CBC - Superintendent-Director Powers And Responsibilities
- CBD - Superintendent-Director's Contract
- CBI - Evaluation Of The Superintendent-Director
- CBJB - Resignation/ Retirement Of The Superintendent-Director
- CCB - Line And Staff Relations
- CE - Administrative Councils, Cabinets, And Committees
- CDG - Supplement, Not Supplant Procedure
- CH - Policy Implementation
- CHA - Development Of Procedures
- CHB - School Committee Review Of Regulations
- CHC - Procedures Dissemination
- CHCA - Approval Of Handbooks And Directives
- CHD - Administration In Policy Absence
- CL - Administrative Reports
- CM - Regional School District Annual Report
- CN - Reports To The Department Of Education
Section D – Fiscal Management
- DA - Fiscal Management Goals
- DA-E - Fiscal Management Goals
- DB-1 - Regional School District Annual Budget
- DB-2 - Annual Budget
- DB-1-R - Budget-Apportionment of Expenses for Regional School Districts
- DBC - Budget Deadlines
- DBD - Budget Planning
- DBG-1 - Budget Adoption Procedures for Regional Schools
- DBJ -Regional School District Budget Transfer Authority
- DC - Borrowing Powers of a Regional School District
- DCA - Investing District Funds
- DD - Grants, Proposals, and Special Projects
- DEC - Federal Funds Supplement Not Supplant Policy
- DG/DH - Banking Services/Bonded Employees and Officers
- DGA-1- Regional School District Authorized Signatures
- DH-1 - Regional School District Bonded Employees and Officers
- DI - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
- DID - Inventories
- DIE-1 - Regional School District Audits
- DJ - Purchasing
- DJA - Purchasing Authority
- DJAA - Authorization and Expenditures for Athletic and Other School Programs
- DJE - Procurement Requirements
- DJG - Vendor Relations
- DK-1- Regional School District Payment Procedures
- DKB - Salary Deductions
- DKC - Expense Reimbursements
Section E – Support Services
- EB - Safety Program
- EBAB - Pest Management Policy
- EBB - First Aid
- EBC - Emergency Plans
- EBCB - Fire Prevention And Fire Drills
- EBCD - Emergency Closings
- EBCFA - Face Coverings
- EBCS - Policy on Pandemic/Covid-Related Issues
- EBCS-1 - Policy on Pandemic/Covid-Related Issues - Addendum
- EC - Buildings And Grounds Management
- ECA - Buildings And Grounds Security
- ECAC - Vandalism
- ECAF - Security Cameras in Schools
- ECB - Maintenance of School Facilities
- EDC - Authorized Use of School Owned Materials
- EEA - Student Transportation Services
- EEAA - Walkers and Riders
- EEAE - School Bus Safety Program
- EEAEA - Bus Driver Examination and Training
- EEAEA-1 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Buses
- EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
- EEAJ - Policy Regarding Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds
- EF - Food Service
- EFC - Free and Reduced Price Food Services
- EFD - Meal Charge Policy
- EIB - Liability Insurance
- Section F – Facilities Development
Section G – Personnel
- GA - Personnel Policies Goals
- GBA - Equal Employment Opportunity
- GBD - School Committee Staff Communications
- GBE - Staff Rights and Responsibilities
- GBEA - Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest
- GBEAA - Code of Ethics - For Administrators
- GBEB - Staff Conduct
- GBEBC - Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff
- GBEBD - Online Fundraising and Solicitations - Crowdfunding
- GBEC - Drug Free Workplace Policy
- GBED - Tobacco Use of School Property by Staff Members Prohibited
- GBED-R - Alcohol Consumption at School Functions
- GBGB - Staff Personal Security and Safety
- GBGE - Domestic Violence Workplace Policy
- GBGF - Family Medical Leave
- GBI - Staff Participation in Political Activities
- GBJ - Personnel Records
- GBJA - Confidentiality Policy
- GBK - Staff Complaints and Grievances
- GCA - Professional Staff Positions
- GCBA - Professional Staff Salary Schedules
- GCBB - Employment of Principals
- GCBC - Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans
- GCE - Professional Staff Recruiting/Posting of Vacancies
- GCF - Professional Staff Hiring
- GCG - Part-time Substitute Professional Staff Employment
- GCI - Professional Development Plan
- GCIA - Philosophy of Staff Development
- GCIBA - Safety Measures and In-Service Education
- GCJ - Professional Teacher Status
- GCQF - Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
- GCRD - Tutoring for Pay
- GDA - Support Staff Positions
- GDB - Support Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans
- GDB-1 Non-Union Employee Contracts
- GDO - Evaluation of Support Staff
- GDQD - Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff Members
- Section H – Negotiations
Section I – Instruction
- IA - Instructional Goals
- IAB - Instructional Goal: Student Success
- IB - Academic Freedom
- IC/ICA - School Year/School Calendar
- ID - School Day
- IE - Organization of Instruction
- IG - Curriculum Development, Adoption, and Review
- IGB - Support Services Programs
- IHA - Basic Instructional Program
- IHAM - Health Education
- IHAM-R - Health Education
- IHAMA - Parental Notification Relative to Sex Education
- IHAMB - Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tabacco
- IHAQA - Students' House Building Projects
- IHAQA-R - Rules and Regulations To Be Followed By Owner During Construction Of A Home
- IHAQB - Shop Projects
- IHAQB-R - Shop Projects and Customer Service
- IHB - Special Instructional Programs and Accomodations
- IHBA - Programs for Students with Disabilities
- IHBAA - Observations of Special Education Programs
- IHBD - Compensatory Education (Title I)
- IHBEA - English Language Learners
- IHBF - Home and Hospital Instruction
- IHBHC - Evening School Programs
- IHBHE - Remote Learning (Social Distance Operational Plan)
- IHCA - Summer Schools
- IHCDA - Dual Enrollment
- IJ - Instructional Materials
- IJ-R - Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
- IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJLA - Library Resources
- IJM - Special Interest Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJND - Access to Digital Resources
- IJNDB - Empowered Digital Use Policy
- IJNDC - Internet Publication
- IJNDD - Policy on Social Media
- IJOA - Field Trips
- IJOB - Community Resource Persons/Speakers
- IJOC - School Volunteers
- IK - Student Progress Reports to Parents/Guardians
- IKF - Graduation Requirements
- IKFB - Graduation Exercises
- IMA - Teaching Activities/Presentations
- Section J – Students
- Section K – School Community Relations
- Section L – Education Agency Relations
In the event of a district-specific emergency requiring the use of remote learning, the superintendent of schools may declare such emergency and shall, as soon as possible, obtain the approval of the school committee. The Social Distance Operational Plan below will be applicable in cases of disease, weather emergencies, destruction or damage to schools rendering them inaccessible, or other extraordinary circumstances, including emergencies declared by government officials, the school committee, or the superintendent.
When it becomes necessary for the school district to provide support to students who are unable to attend classes or access appropriate services due to an extended closure, the superintendent shall establish a plan and procedures to ensure that such services are provided. The provision of educational services may include the use of technology and devices, and strategies designed to support student learning away from school.
The remote learning plan will, to the extent possible:
- Ensure the safety of all students and faculty in coordination with appropriate local and state departments and agencies;
- Provide support for student social and emotional wellbeing and address the implications of trauma experienced by students or faculty as a result of the emergency;
- Identify expectations for maintaining standards of student achievement and school improvement plans;
- Ensure instruction and services are delivered by district educators and personnel as much as practicable;
- Utilize the most effective tools and resources available for students and faculty, including the skills and talents of district personnel, in the delivery of instruction and services and share resources as needed;
- Provide resources and services equitably to meet the needs and circumstances of all students;
- Identify remedial strategies necessary after the emergency to advance student achievement (i.e. after-school, extended day, summer school, and contingency scheduling to cancel vacations.);
- Gather information both during and after the period of emergency regarding the most effective means of remote learning to implement as appropriate.
In developing a remote learning plan, the superintendent will:
- Identify and prepare effective means for communicating with faculty, students, parents and community stakeholders.
- Collaborate with municipal agencies that support the schools and community.
- Consult with the school committee to identify any extraordinary actions necessary or authority required to administer emergency and remote learning plans. This includes any changes to district policies on the school calendar, grading, promotions and retentions, local graduation requirements, testing, and standards and accountability.
- Consult with administrators and principals to ensure the continuing education of students at all levels, including:
- use of the most appropriate resources, tools and strategies to deliver the curricula given local circumstances and conditions;
- equitable access to appropriate content for all students;
- specific accommodations for students at high risk, including clients of special education, students with disabilities, English learners, students at economic disadvantage, homeless students, students in foster care and students of military families.
- Utilize available technological resources suitable for serving students at all levels. This inventory will be prepared in advance in anticipation of an emergency.
- Ensure the privacy rights of students, faculty and families are protected, including assessing the security of district technology.
- Consult with bargaining units to determine if modifications to collective bargaining agreements need to be established for the period of the emergency.
- Identify the financial implications of the emergency plan and recommend transfer of funds as may be necessary.
LEGAL REFS.: 20 U.S.C. §1232g Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
15 U.S.C. §§ 6501–6506 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
CROSS REFS.: EBCD – Emergency Closings
IGA – Curriculum Development
IGB – Support Services Programs
IHBEA – English Learner Education
IJND – Access to Digital Resources
IJNDB – Empowered Digital Use
IJNDC – Internet Publication
IJNDD – Policy on Social Media
IHBEA – English Language Learners
JB – Equal Educational Opportunities
JBB – Educational Equity
SOURCE: MASC – May 2020
Approved by SC: 9/10/2020