Diman eBooks and audiobooks

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    Click here to access the Commonweath eBook Collection (directions below)

    Diman's eBooks

    We have 234 eBooks (mostly classics) that can be read on any computer/tablet/phone. Check them out here

    Commonwealth eBook Collection

    SORA! As of March, 2020, Diman students and staff have access to the Commonwealth eBook Collection! This collection includes:

    • Over 11,000 eBooks
    • Over 3,000 audiobooks
    • Over 700 graphic novels 
    • Over 100 manga novels

    How to use the collection

    1. Install the Sora App ( Android | Apple ) or visit their web site
    2. Find Diman in the school listing
      • Please note - The link is different depending on the device
    3. Login using your diman username and password (not including the @dimanregional.org) 
    4. Find your books and start reading/listening, OR put it on your wait list if it's not available

    Other resources for ebooks/audiobooks