• File:  JLC




    Activities may include identification of student health needs, health screening tests (including eye and hearing screening tests), communicable disease prevention and control, promotion of the correction of remediable health defects, emergency care of the ill and injured, health counseling, health and safety education, and the maintenance of a healthful school environment.


    The District recognizes that parents have the primary responsibility for the health of their students.  The school will cooperate with appropriate professional organizations associated with maintaining individual and community health and safety.


    The District shall provide the services of a medical consultant who shall render medical and administrative consulting services for personnel responsible for school health and athletics.


    Procedures for Emergency at School


    School personnel shall give only emergency care to students who become ill or injured on school property, buses, or while under school supervision.


    Each year parents shall supply information indicating where the student is to be taken in case of an emergency; the name, address, and phone number of a neighbor to be contacted in case the parent is not available; and any allergies or diseases the student might have.


    The District shall maintain a Medical Emergency Response Plan, as required by law, and an Emergency Procedures Handbook, which shall be utilized by District personnel for handling emergencies.  Emergency procedures shall include the following:


    Provision for care beyond First Aid, which would enable care by the family or its physician or the local Emergency Medical Services agencies.  In instances when the EMS is required, every effort shall be made to provide the unit with the student's Emergency Card which lists any allergies or diseases the student might have;


    Information relative to not permitting the administration giving of any form of medicine or drugs to students without written approval of parents.  Requests made by parents for such administration of medication shall be reviewed and approved by the Principal or designee;


    Provisions for reporting all accidents, cases of injury, or illness to the Principal.  Provisions shall be made (in all cases of injury or illness involving possible legal or public relations implications) for reporting such to the appropriate administrator immediately;


    Prompt reporting by teachers to the Principal or designee any accident or serious illness and such reports will be filed with the Business Office.


    Student Illness or Injury


    In case of illness or injury, the parent or guardian will be contacted and asked to call for the student or provide the transportation.

    Transportation of an ill or injured student is not normally to be provided by the school.  If the parent cannot provide transportation and the student is ill or injured, an ambulance may be called.  Expense incurred as a result of emergency ambulance use will not be borne by the District.


    Transportation of a student by school personnel will be done only in an emergency and by the individual so designated by the school administrator.



    LEGAL REF.:            M.G.L. 71:53;54;54A;54B;55;55A;55B;56;57;69:8A;


    CROSS REF.:             EBB, First Aid

                                    EBC, Emergency Plans

                                    JLCD, Administration of Medications to Students