Diman School Nurses' Office

  • Sick day guidelines
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    The School Nurses' Office

    Parents or Guardian:

    This letter is to inform you that:

    • You may pick up the remainder of your son/daughter’s medication from the nurses’ office by the last day of school. All medication left behind in the office after that day will be destroyed.
    • School administered medication orders must be renewed by the doctor every year.  If the doctor determines that your son/daughter will need medication administered in school for the next school year, you must obtain a new doctor’s  order dated for September for each medication that will be administered in school.  That includes “over the counter” medications, as well as prescription medications: Epi-Pens, inhalers, nebulizers, etc.  No medication will be given without a written doctor’s order and parent/guardian consent.
    • All medication ordered will need to be brought into school in a sealed container.  If it is a prescription medication, please ask the pharmacist to package the school supply separately from the home supply, so that it can be brought to school in a sealed container.  If it is an “over the counter” medication, it must be brought into the school in the unopened original container.

    If you have any questions, please call the school nurses at extension 1770 or 1771. 

    Thank You,
    The School Nurses


    Attention Ninth Grade Parents: Please review the immunization requirements for all Massachusetts students. An updated physical exam is also required at this time. If your child has a physical during the current school year, please send a copy to the school nurse so we may update our records. If your child has not had a recent physical, please make an appointment with your primary care physician. Your child will not be allowed to enter Diman Regional without meeting these state requirements.