- Diman Regional Voc-Tech
- Overview
School Preparation Plan for 2023-24
Ready for the World
2023-24 School Preparation PlanDear Diman Family,
I hope this correspondence finds you well, rejuvenated, and enjoying every second of the summer months! As we prepare for another school year, I am thinking of our incredible community at Diman. Diman Regional is revered and considered the pinnacle of academic and vocational excellence by many locally and throughout the Commonwealth. Do not take my word for it. Achievement data proves this statement. Business owners and CO-OP employers reiterate this. Continuing to produce this level of success year in and year out is a testament to our student's hard work and our faculty's unwavering dedication and commitment to our students.
Students: you have another incredible opportunity in front of you. The 2023-2024 school year provides you a chance to take another step toward personal growth, another step closer to the goals you have for yourself, and another step closer to graduating life ready. Take advantage of the skills and lessons Diman will provide you. If you do, you will be ahead of many and prepared for anything life throws you in the coming years.
Parents & Families: your partnership with Diman is vital to your child's success. Studies show that families and parents actively involved in their child's education can lead to positive outcomes like better grades, better attendance, higher graduation rates, and a higher rate of success after graduation. Let's continue to work together every step of the way to ensure your child graduates life ready. Our success can only continue if every member of our community is fully supported, engaged, and empowered.
The Diman Regional 2023 – 2024 School Preparation Plan aims to cover all return-to-school topics, including student transportation, arrival/dismissal processes, class transition, and more.
Diman remains committed to being the school system our community, state, and nation need us to be - an institution that produces life-ready graduates ready to positively shape the future and the world. The pages that follow will serve as a guide to help navigate the next several months together. We are committed to ensuring that every student is fully supported, engaged, and safe as we embark on 2023-2024. I remain honored to serve as your Assistant Superintendent-Principal.
Andrew D. Rebello
Assistant Superintendent-PrincipalThree Guiding Pillars for the 2023 – 2024 School Year
To effectively implement our goals, our School Improvement Plan addresses three high-level pillars that represent critical areas we will focus on over the next year.
- Student Well Being
- Academic & Vocational Excellence
- Informed, Empowered, Engaged Stakeholders
2023-2024 School Improvement Plan
Start of the year preparation
- Watch this informational video: https://youtu.be/bUBt4eCQF8o
- Read through this School Preparation Plan.
- Attend the live Zoom information session on Monday, August 28, at 6:00 p.m.: Informational Meeting Zoom Link
- Review this year’s Student Handbook
- Have a question and not sure who to ask? Click here and ask!
- Visit our Family Connection webpage to prepare for a successful school year!
The Student Experience
- Opening day of school: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
- B Week, A Day
- Students must arrive prior to 7:45 a.m.
- 11:58 a.m. dismissal
- All students will follow the Diman calendar for A & B week cycles and letter days, as normal.
- All Diman academic and vocational classes will take place following our normal bell schedule. Daily bell schedules will be emailed and posted on the website.
- Wednesday, August 31, 2022: B Week, A Day – 11:58 a.m. dismissal
- Wednesday, August 30, 2023: B Week, A Day –11:58 a.m. dismissal
- ALL Freshmen Students
- By 7:45 a.m.- Freshmen: report to the Auditorium
- Vocational and Academic Educators will report to each area to escort students to class or shop.
- A week students: be prepared for shop
- B week students: be prepared for academics
- By 7:45 a.m.- Freshmen: report to the Auditorium
- ALL Grade 10 & 11 Students
- By 7:45 a.m. all Grade 10 & 11 students must report to their respective shop, regardless of week.
- Students will receive their printed schedule and ID’s.
- Announcement will be made for:
- B week students to report to their first period academic class.
- A week students will remain in shop and must be dressed appropriately.
- ALL Senior Students
- All seniors must attend school on August 30 and August 31, not their co-op placement.
- By 7:45 a.m.-All senior’s must report to the gymnasium.
- Students will receive their printed schedule and ID’s.
- All CO-OP students will have a meeting in the gymnasium after school dismissal (12:00 p.m.).
- ALL Freshmen Students
- Wednesday, August 30, 2023: B Week, A Day –11:58 a.m. dismissal
- Thursday, September 1, 2022: A Week, A Day – 11:58 a.m. dismissal
- ALL Freshmen Students
- By 7:45 a.m.- Freshmen: A week students report to their first period academic class (check your schedule).
- By 7:45 a.m. - Freshmen: B week students report to shop.
- ALL Grade 10, 11, & 12 Students
- By 7:45 a.m.: A week students report to their first period academic class
- By 7:45 a.m.: B week students report to shop
- ALL Freshmen Students
11:58 a.m. dismissal schedule
Student Arrival
- We will follow our normal student arrival procedures.
- Students may enter the building starting at 7:00 a.m.
- All students must report to shop or first period class at 7:30 a.m.
- Any student who arrives at or after 7:45 a.m. will be considered tardy and will be issued discipline if over the prescribed allowance.
- Student drivers must park in the student lot and immediately exit their cars to enter the school. All students must have a Diman Parking Decal to park on campus. If you do not have a decal, please see Mrs. Rosseter in the Administration Office.
- Students will be able to obtain Parking Decals on August 23, 24, or 25 from 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in the Administration Office.
- Student drop offs will take place at door 41 (auditorium/gym)
- Student bus arrival will occur at door 22
- View bus routes here: 2023-2024 Bus Routes
Student Breakfast
- Breakfast & lunch are permanently free to students.
- Students who wish to eat breakfast will report to the student cafeteria.
- Only students who will be eating breakfast will be allowed into the student cafeteria.
- Chromebook use is prohibited.
Hallway Transitions
- Students must stay to the right side when moving from class to class during periods and/or going to the bathroom or office.
- Proper hallway decorum is expected. Violations will lead to school discipline.
- All Diman classes will take place following our normal bell schedule. Daily bell schedules will be emailed and posted on the website. Click here to view the Diman bell schedules
Student Lunch
- Breakfast & lunch are permanently free to students!
- Students will eat lunch in the Student Cafeteria.
- Find the monthly lunch schedule here: https://www.dimanregional.org/lunch
- Times for each lunch are posted on the next slide and on the Diman website. Half day bell schedules will be emailed and are on the website. https://www.dimanregional.org/schedules
Student Attendance
- If your child has a mild runny nose or cold symptoms that are not bothering them, and they test negative for COVID-19, send them to school.
- However, if your child has a fever (100.4F and above), vomiting or diarrhea, severe pain or difficulty breathing, take them to see their pediatrician.
The Academic Student Experience
Academic Attendance
- Attendance will be mandatory for all academic classes. Credit recovery and/or attendance failures will be assigned as needed.
- Tardiness to class will be recorded and disciplined appropriately.
Course Syllabi
- Diman teachers will share course syllabi with students during the first week of school. Students and parents should review all practices, grading expectations, extra help days, etc. within each course syllabus.
- Course questions should be emailed directly to course teachers.
Class Assignments
- All course due dates will be assigned by course teachers. Students submitting late work may face point deductions. The Academic Student Experience
Shop Time Assignments
- Shop time assignments will be mandatory for all academic classes ranked at 5.0 credits or above.
Teacher Extra Help Days
- All academic teachers will host one extra help day per week. The list is here.
- Teachers will post their extra help days in course syllabi.
- After school busing will be available Tuesday & Thursday.
- Our EXTENDS program runs every Tuesday and Thursday with transportation provided. To sign up, students should visit our website and complete the Google form. https://www.dimanregional.org/extends
- All Diman students have been issued Chromebooks. These Chromebooks must be used with a Diman email address.
The Vocational Student Experience
Vocational Attendance
- Attendance will be taken daily and reported to the state as normal. Credit recovery and/or attendance failures will be assigned as needed.
- Tardiness will be recorded and disciplined appropriately.
Teacher Extra Help Days
- All vocational teachers will host one extra help day per week. The list is here.
- After school busing will be available Monday – Thursday.
- Our EXTENDS program runs every Tuesday and Thursday with transportation provided. To sign up, students should visit the Diman website. https://www.dimanregional.org/extends
Dress Code
- All students must be prepared in shop uniform. Dress code details and information can be found in the Student Handbook. '
Transportation and Bus Procedure
- If you have not signed up for a bus, you must contact Mrs. Rosseter (jrosseter@dimanregional.org) and Mr. Zajac (mzajac@dimanregional.org). All students must have a bus sticker to ride the bus.
- Find the preliminary bus routes here: 2022-2023 Bus Routes
- Find your bus by looking at the closest cross street to your house.
- The school day will end at 2:28 p.m.
Services and Wraparound Supports
Diman is dedicated to providing all students not only with a quality academic and vocational experience but to supporting students’ social emotional and mental health. Poor mental health is a barrier to the learning and overall wellbeing of students, and our district will continue providing support services to ensure all students have access to programs and services matched to their strengths and needs.
During the school year, school-based personnel will utilize a full array of services and programs for our students.
- School Adjustment Counselors
- Transition Counselor
- Outside Counselors & Therapists
- Mental Health Team
- Panorama Survey
- Student Voice Forums
- SEL/MH Curriculum
- Beacon Alert System
Diman is dedicated to providing comprehensive academic and vocational support to students. Visit our Student Support Page throughout the year to view all student opportunities.
- Teacher Extra Help Days: All teachers stay after school at least one day per week. Teacher extra help days can be found here: https://www.dimanregional.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=2369
- Math Interventionist: One on one math support services for high-priority identified students.
- Peer Tutoring: The Diman Peer Tutoring Program is designed for students to help their peers in academic and vocational classes. Find more information here: https://www.dimanregional.org/Page/4232
- EXTENDS: In-person after-school homework and subject help in the library every Tuesday and Thursday. Transportation provided! https://www.dimanregional.org/Page/1352
- Virtual Tutoring: More information to be released (based on grant funding).
Student and Family Readiness
Please look out for virtual information sessions regarding our return and additional opportunities to increase engagement! All opportunities will be emailed and posted to our website!
- Watch this informational video: School Preparation Video
- Ask questions through this form that will be addressed during the live Zoom informational session: Informational Session Questions
- Attend the live Zoom information session on Monday, August 30, at 6:00 p.m.: Informational Session Zoom Link
Stay connected! Families are encouraged to stay up-to-date with the latest school information by visiting the district website, following the district Facebook and Twitter pages, and by making sure your contact information is up-to-date so you can receive phone calls and email notifications from Diman. Our school calendar will continue to be updated as we finalize student schedules!
Diman School Calendar: https://www.dimanregional.org/calendar
Feel free to contact administrators, teachers and counselors.
- Contacts: https://www.dimanregional.org/Page/836
Have a question and not sure who to ask? Click here and ask!
Please visit our Family Connection webpage containing helpful resources to prepare for a successful school year!
Twitter: @dimanbengals & @DimanPrincipal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimanbengals & https://www.facebook.com/andrew.rebello.984