Mary Elizabeth Perry
Parent Liaison
Hi my name is Mary Elizabeth Perry and I am the Parent Liaison at Diman Regional High School
My goal as parent liaison is to help parents and guardians remain involved in their student’s education
using their natural skills. talents, and their voice whenever possible.
At Diman we have two dynamic parent groups where I act as the liaison between parents and guardians
and administration whenever necessary. I also help develop Family Forums.
Family Forums are gatherings, or in some cases, virtual gatherings, that take place approximately every
other month. The topics are primarily generated by family feedback and cover material relevant both
inside and outside the building. Family Forums offer an excellent opportunity for questions and answers
between families and the presenters.
Links for the groups and events as well as contact information can be found on the parent tab located
on the Diman website. All parents and guardians of all students are welcome. Join us as we strive to
strengthen advocacy through information
Parent Liaison Introductory videoinformation