The Greater Fall River Vocational School District prohibits the unlawful or unauthorized access, use or disclosure of confidential and proprietary information obtained during the course of employment or other relationship with Greater Fall River Vocational School District. As a condition of employment, continued employment or relationship with Greater Fall River Vocational School District, Greater Fall River Vocational School District workforce shall be required to sign the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Confidentiality Agreement approved by the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Committee. Greater Fall River Vocational School District will provide training for each of its workforce members on the importance of maintaining confidentiality and the specific requirements of state and federal law.

    For purposes of this policy, "confidential information" includes information concerning any database maintained by the Greater Fall River Vocational School District. It is to be assumed that any data contained in the student information system, including, but not limited to any special education information is to be held strictly confidential. "confidential information" shall also include any health information which is any information about a Greater Fall River Vocational School District student that relates to the past, present or future health of the student, or the health services provided to the student. Sign-on and password codes for access to Greater Fall River Vocational School District computer systems and related databases shall be deemed electronic signatures and are to be held confidential.

    This policy applies to information maintained or transmitted in any form, including verbally, in writing, or in any electronic form.


    1. Confidentiality Agreement.

    As a condition of employment, continued employment, or a relationship with Greater Fall River Vocational School District, the Greater Fall River Vocational School District will require such individuals to sign the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Confidentiality Agreement approved by the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Committee.  The Confidentiality Agreement shall include an agreement that the signing party will abide by the Greater Fall River Vocational School District policies and procedures and with federal and state laws, governing the confidentiality and privacy of information.

    All new employees requiring access to electronic confidential information (computer systems) must have a current Confidentiality Agreement on file in the Office of the Superintendent of the Greater Fall River Vocational School District.  The Office of the Superintendent will maintain signed Confidentiality Agreements and furnish a copy to the individual signing the agreement.  It is the responsibility of the manager hiring individual consultants or service technicians (who do not require electronic access but who may have access to Confidential Information) to require execution of the appropriate confidentiality agreements approved by the Office of the Superintendent of the Greater Fall River Vocational School District.


    1. Restriction on Access, Use and Disclosure of Confidential Information.

    The Greater Fall River Vocational School District limits and restricts access to confidential information and computer systems containing confidential information based upon the specific duties and functions of the individual seeking or requiring access.  The Greater Fall River Vocational School District will restrict access to confidential information to the minimum necessary for an individual to perform his/her job functions or duties. The Greater Fall River Vocational School District will further limit and control access to its computer systems with the use of sign-on and password codes issued by the IT Department, Greater Fall River Vocational School District to the individual user authorized to have such access.

    The Greater Fall River Vocational School District will control and monitor access to confidential information through management oversight, identification and authentication procedures, and internal audits.  The Greater Fall River Vocational School District administrative staff and department heads will have the responsibility of educating their respective staff members about this policy and the restrictions on the access, use and disclosure of confidential information, and will monitor compliance with this policy.

    1. Service Technicians:Must register in the appropriate area, sign and complete the Confidentiality Agreement prior to any exposure to Greater Fall River Vocational School District confidential information.
    2. Violation of Confidentiality Policy:

    Individuals shall not access, use, or disclose confidential information in violation of the law or contrary to the Greater Fall River Vocational School District policies.  Each individual allowed by the Greater Fall River Vocational School District to have access to confidential information must maintain and protect against the unauthorized access, use or disclosure of confidential information.  Any access use or disclosure of confidential information in any form - verbal, written, or electronic - which is inconsistent with or in violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, immediate termination of employment, loss of privileges, or termination of relationship with the Greater Fall River Vocational School District.

    All Greater Fall River Vocational School District employees and others subject to this policy must report any known or suspected incidents to access, use or disclose confidential information in violation of this Policy or in violation of the law.

    As a condition of my employment, continued employment or relations with the Greater Fall River Vocational School District, I agree to abide by the requirements of the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Confidentiality Policy and with federal and state laws governing confidentiality of a student's personal data, and I agree to the terms of this Confidentiality Agreement.

    I understand and agree that if I access, use or disclose confidential information in any form - verbal, written, or electronic - in a manner that is inconsistent with or in violation of the Confidentiality Policy, Greater Fall River Vocational School District may impose disciplinary action, including but not limited to, immediate termination of employment, loss of privileges, or termination of relationship with Greater Fall River Vocational School District.

    I understand that when I receive a sign-on code to access the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Network and Systems, I have agreed to the following terms and conditions:

      The sign-on and password codes assigned to me are equivalent to my signature, and I will not share the passwords with anyone.

      I will be responsible for any use or misuse of my network or application system sign-on codes.

      I will not attempt to access information on Greater Fall River Vocational School District network and systems except to meet needs specific to my job or position at the Greater Fall River Vocational School District.

    I acknowledge that I have read the terms of this Confidentiality Agreement, and that I have received a copy.


    Signed: ___________________________________________________________________


    Print Full Name: ___________________________________________________________


    Date:  ______________________