• File: IHCDA



    The Dual Enrollment program offers eligible students the opportunity to enrich their educational experience by taking college courses while in high school.  Students who wish to take advantage of the Dual Enrollment program must meet with their guidance counselor to determine if they meet the eligibility requirements. Some scholarships are available to pay for Dual Enrollment courses at Bristol Community College. Priority for scholarships is given to students who are economically disadvantaged, but all students may request a scholarship by contacting their counselor.


    Students may qualify for the following dual enrollment options, as long as they meet the additional qualifications listed below:


    1. The dual enrollment course(s) taken is in addition to regularly scheduled courses and is offered during after school and evening hours at local state colleges and community colleges.  Grades received from these dual enrollment courses are not reported on a student’s transcript unless requested and are not included in grade point average or class rank computation.  


    1. In some cases, students may ask that a college course replace a course the student would normally take as part of their high school schedule.  In this case, the student may, if appropriate, be excused from their high school class.  The proposed college course must be approved in advance by the principal of Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School. If approved, the grade earned will be included in the computation of class rank and grade point average and will be considered in graduation requirements*. If this option is selected and approved, all grades will be reflected on the student’s final report card and transcripts.  These grades will also be weighted similarly to Advanced Placement courses in the Diman Regional Program of Studies.  When submitting grades from college courses, Diman students should note that the numerical grading scale from the sending university or college will be applied.  In the event that a university or college grading scale is not available, Diman will rely upon the transfer student grading scale (see attached).

    *If students are interested in having their dual enrollment class on their transcript, they must request an official transcript from the college be sent to Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School.

    Required Action Steps for Program Creation and Adoption:

    1. This proposal must be presented and approved by the Greater Fall River Vocational School District’s school committee.
    2. All relative information be given to guidance counselors so proper changes can be made to student schedules and transcripts.
    3. Students and parents must be informed of all requirements.  An application should be drafted and presented to all interested students and parents so all stakeholders are informed of requirements.
    4. Additional courses must be created in the Master Schedule for Diman Regional High School.   These courses would be used in place of required Diman courses for eligible Dual Enrollment students (i.e. - BCC English Language Arts course created without a meeting time for students that would normally be taking English Language Arts 12.  Additionally, electives may be needed to round out and complete student schedules).
    5. Teaching assignments would need to be created and worked out so end of semester grades can be transferred from the partnering college to Diman Regional. 
    6. Create study halls and elective classes (mentioned in step 4) as needed and assign teacher.




    Allowable Courses of Study in Alignment with MassCore:

    English/Language Arts           4 Units            English 101

                                                                            English 102


    Mathematics                            4 Units            Algebra 1 & 2





    Science                                    3 Units            Biology




    History/Social Science            3 Units            U.S. History 1 & 2

                                                                            World History 1 & 2




    Additional Core Courses        2 Units            Foreign Language




     Adopted: January 15, 2019