• File:  IHAQA


    The annual house building project will rotate between the four member communities in the following order:

    Fall River


    Fall River


    Fall River


    If any town does not have a qualified applicant (owner) in the time period allotted to the member communities for the house building project, that town will have first choice in the next time period when the school building project is to be located in the member communities, and the town who had taken its place would drop to the bottom of the rotation schedule of the member communities.  If Fall River does not have a qualified applicant in the time period allocated to it, the applicant will come from the town who is next in line, and Fall River will become the site of the building project the next year. If more than one qualified applicant is found from a city or town scheduled for the project, the selection of the "owner" should be by a drawing to be supervised by the Committee.  If no qualified applicant is found for either of the four member communities, no house building project will take place and the rotation frozen until a qualified applicant is found.


    SOURCE:  Greater Fall River