• File:  IG


     Establishing New Programs of Study


    1. Greater Fall River Vocational School District Committee approval must be given before the study of any contemplated new program is initiated. The Superintendent-Director will recommend such courses to the Committee and provide a budget for such new courses.
    2. A new program study committee should seek information from a wide variety of sources such as literature in the field, colleges and universities, department of education and other governmental agencies, community resources, other school districts, parents and students.
    3. The written report of a new program study committee will include such information as rationale, need for the program, relations to curricula in various subject fields and grade levels, available instructional materials including textbooks, methods for staff preparation, contemplated starting date for either pilot program or regular program and budget requirements.
    4. A new program study committee will present its written report to the Superintendent-Director for recommendations before a presentation is made to the regional school committee.
    5. The Regional School Committee may accept, modify or reject the recommendations of the new program study committee.
    6. In initiating a new shop program, a study committee which would include administration, faculty representatives from business and industry and advisory board members would be appointed. 
      1. A survey would be taken in the area to determine the immediate and long range needs for employment. The amount of space, the cost of equipment and the length of training would be determined.
      2. The cost of the program would be presented to the committee for their consideration and, if approved, a course of study would be developed. 

     LEGAL REFS.:          M.G.L.: 71:1; 69:1E