- Diman Regional Voc-Tech
- Section G – Personnel
- GCI - Professional Development Plan
Policy Manual
Page Navigation
- Overview
Section A - Foundations and Basic Commitments
- AA - School District Legal Status
- AAA - Name Of School District
- AC - Non-Discrimination Policy Including Harassment and Retaliation
- AC-R-1 Complaints Of Discrimination
- AC-R-2 - Notice Of Nondiscrimination And Compliance With Title Ix And Chapter 622
- ACA - Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Sex
- ACAB - Harassment
- ACE - Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Disability
- AD - Educational Philosophy
- ADA - School District Goals And Objectives
- ADC - Smoking On School Premises
- ADC-R/ GBED-R - Alcohol Consumption At School Functions
- ADDA - Background Checks
- ADDA-E-1 - Information Concerning The Process In Correcting A Criminal Record
- ADDA-E-2 - C.O.R.I. Requirements
- ADDA-R - DCJIS Model C.O.R.I. Policy
- ADF - School District Wellness Program
- AE - Commitment To Accomplishment
Section B - Board Governance & Operations
- BA - School Committee Operational Goals
- BAA - Evaluation Of School Committee Operational Procedures
- BBA - School Committee Powers And Duties
- BBAA - School Committee Member Authority
- BBB - Board Membership - Elections/ Appointment
- BBBA/BBBB - School Committee Member Qualifications/Oath of Office
- BBBC - School Committee Member Resignation
- BBBE - Unexpired Term Fulfillment
- BCA - School Committee Member Ethics
- BCA-E - Member Statement
- BDA - School Committee Organizational Meeting
- BDB - School Committee Officers
- BDD - School Committee/ Superintendent-Director Relationship
- BDDA - Support Of The Superintendent-Director
- BDE - Subcommittees Of The School Committee
- BDF - Advisory Committees To The School Committee
- BDFA - School Improvement Council
- BDFA-E - School Improvement Plan
- BDFB - Program Advisory And General Advisory Committees
- BDG - School Attorney
- BDH - Consultant Services To The Board
- BE - School Committee Meetings
- BE-R - Conduct Of Meetings
- BEB - Special Meetings
- BEC - Executive Sessions
- BEDA - Notification of School Committee Meetings
- BEDB - Agenda Format
- BEDC/BEDF - Quorum And Voting
- BEDCA - Meeting Remote Participation
- BEDD - Rules Of Order
- BEDG - Minutes
- BEDH - Public Comment At School Committee Meetings
- BEE - Special Procedures For Conducting Hearings
- BG - School Committee Policy Development
- BGB - Policy Adoption
- BGC - Policy Revision And Review
- BGD - School Committee Review Of Regulations
- BGE - Policy Dissemination
- BGF - Suspension Of Policies
- BHC - School Committee / Staff Communications
- BHE - Use Of Electronic Messaging By School Committee Members
- BIA - New School Committee Member Orientation
- BIBA - School Committee Conferences, Conventions, And Workshops
- BID - School Committee Member Compensation And Expenses
- BIE - Liability Of Board Members
- BJ - School Committee Legislative Program
- BK - School Committee Memberships
- BDC - Appointed Committee Officials
Section C – General School Administration
- CA - Administration Goals
- CB - Regional School Superintendent-Director
- CBB - Recruitment And Selection Of Superintendent-Director
- CBC - Superintendent-Director Powers And Responsibilities
- CBD - Superintendent-Director's Contract
- CBI - Evaluation Of The Superintendent-Director
- CBJB - Resignation/ Retirement Of The Superintendent-Director
- CCB - Line And Staff Relations
- CE - Administrative Councils, Cabinets, And Committees
- CDG - Supplement, Not Supplant Procedure
- CH - Policy Implementation
- CHA - Development Of Procedures
- CHB - School Committee Review Of Regulations
- CHC - Procedures Dissemination
- CHCA - Approval Of Handbooks And Directives
- CHD - Administration In Policy Absence
- CL - Administrative Reports
- CM - Regional School District Annual Report
- CN - Reports To The Department Of Education
Section D – Fiscal Management
- DA - Fiscal Management Goals
- DA-E - Fiscal Management Goals
- DB-1 - Regional School District Annual Budget
- DB-2 - Annual Budget
- DB-1-R - Budget-Apportionment of Expenses for Regional School Districts
- DBC - Budget Deadlines
- DBD - Budget Planning
- DBG-1 - Budget Adoption Procedures for Regional Schools
- DBJ -Regional School District Budget Transfer Authority
- DC - Borrowing Powers of a Regional School District
- DCA - Investing District Funds
- DD - Grants, Proposals, and Special Projects
- DEC - Federal Funds Supplement Not Supplant Policy
- DG/DH - Banking Services/Bonded Employees and Officers
- DGA-1- Regional School District Authorized Signatures
- DH-1 - Regional School District Bonded Employees and Officers
- DI - Fiscal Accounting and Reporting
- DID - Inventories
- DIE-1 - Regional School District Audits
- DJ - Purchasing
- DJA - Purchasing Authority
- DJAA - Authorization and Expenditures for Athletic and Other School Programs
- DJE - Procurement Requirements
- DJG - Vendor Relations
- DK-1- Regional School District Payment Procedures
- DKB - Salary Deductions
- DKC - Expense Reimbursements
Section E – Support Services
- EB - Safety Program
- EBAB - Pest Management Policy
- EBB - First Aid
- EBC - Emergency Plans
- EBCB - Fire Prevention And Fire Drills
- EBCD - Emergency Closings
- EBCFA - Face Coverings
- EBCS - Policy on Pandemic/Covid-Related Issues
- EBCS-1 - Policy on Pandemic/Covid-Related Issues - Addendum
- EC - Buildings And Grounds Management
- ECA - Buildings And Grounds Security
- ECAC - Vandalism
- ECAF - Security Cameras in Schools
- ECB - Maintenance of School Facilities
- EDC - Authorized Use of School Owned Materials
- EEA - Student Transportation Services
- EEAA - Walkers and Riders
- EEAE - School Bus Safety Program
- EEAEA - Bus Driver Examination and Training
- EEAEA-1 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- EEAEC - Student Conduct on School Buses
- EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
- EEAJ - Policy Regarding Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds
- EF - Food Service
- EFC - Free and Reduced Price Food Services
- EFD - Meal Charge Policy
- EIB - Liability Insurance
- Section F – Facilities Development
Section G – Personnel
- GA - Personnel Policies Goals
- GBA - Equal Employment Opportunity
- GBD - School Committee Staff Communications
- GBE - Staff Rights and Responsibilities
- GBEA - Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest
- GBEAA - Code of Ethics - For Administrators
- GBEB - Staff Conduct
- GBEBC - Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff
- GBEBD - Online Fundraising and Solicitations - Crowdfunding
- GBEC - Drug Free Workplace Policy
- GBED - Tobacco Use of School Property by Staff Members Prohibited
- GBED-R - Alcohol Consumption at School Functions
- GBGB - Staff Personal Security and Safety
- GBGE - Domestic Violence Workplace Policy
- GBGF - Family Medical Leave
- GBI - Staff Participation in Political Activities
- GBJ - Personnel Records
- GBJA - Confidentiality Policy
- GBK - Staff Complaints and Grievances
- GCA - Professional Staff Positions
- GCBA - Professional Staff Salary Schedules
- GCBB - Employment of Principals
- GCBC - Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans
- GCE - Professional Staff Recruiting/Posting of Vacancies
- GCF - Professional Staff Hiring
- GCG - Part-time Substitute Professional Staff Employment
- GCI - Professional Development Plan
- GCIA - Philosophy of Staff Development
- GCIBA - Safety Measures and In-Service Education
- GCJ - Professional Teacher Status
- GCQF - Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members
- GCRD - Tutoring for Pay
- GDA - Support Staff Positions
- GDB - Support Staff Contracts and Compensation Plans
- GDB-1 Non-Union Employee Contracts
- GDO - Evaluation of Support Staff
- GDQD - Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff Members
- Section H – Negotiations
Section I – Instruction
- IA - Instructional Goals
- IAB - Instructional Goal: Student Success
- IB - Academic Freedom
- IC/ICA - School Year/School Calendar
- ID - School Day
- IE - Organization of Instruction
- IG - Curriculum Development, Adoption, and Review
- IGB - Support Services Programs
- IHA - Basic Instructional Program
- IHAM - Health Education
- IHAM-R - Health Education
- IHAMA - Parental Notification Relative to Sex Education
- IHAMB - Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tabacco
- IHAQA - Students' House Building Projects
- IHAQA-R - Rules and Regulations To Be Followed By Owner During Construction Of A Home
- IHAQB - Shop Projects
- IHAQB-R - Shop Projects and Customer Service
- IHB - Special Instructional Programs and Accomodations
- IHBA - Programs for Students with Disabilities
- IHBAA - Observations of Special Education Programs
- IHBD - Compensatory Education (Title I)
- IHBEA - English Language Learners
- IHBF - Home and Hospital Instruction
- IHBHC - Evening School Programs
- IHBHE - Remote Learning (Social Distance Operational Plan)
- IHCA - Summer Schools
- IHCDA - Dual Enrollment
- IJ - Instructional Materials
- IJ-R - Reconsideration of Instructional Resources
- IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJLA - Library Resources
- IJM - Special Interest Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJND - Access to Digital Resources
- IJNDB - Empowered Digital Use Policy
- IJNDC - Internet Publication
- IJNDD - Policy on Social Media
- IJOA - Field Trips
- IJOB - Community Resource Persons/Speakers
- IJOC - School Volunteers
- IK - Student Progress Reports to Parents/Guardians
- IKF - Graduation Requirements
- IKFB - Graduation Exercises
- IMA - Teaching Activities/Presentations
- Section J – Students
- Section K – School Community Relations
- Section L – Education Agency Relations
File: GCI
- By law, teachers are required to perform professional improvement for maintenance of licensure.
- Maintenance of licensure is an issue between the teacher and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Neither the administration of Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School nor the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Committee has any jurisdictional control or authority over the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education relative to teacher licensure.
- By collective bargaining contract teachers are required to perform professional improvement which is totally separate and apart from the Education Reform Act of 1993, or any other applicable law requiring licensure and/or professional development obligations of a teacher or administrator.
- Teachers and administrators have the responsibility of performing professional improvement as required in order to maintain their license. The responsibility of documenting such professional improvement to the satisfaction of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is also that of the teacher or administrator.
- Professional improvement licensure activities completed by the teacher and/or administrator and approved in advance by the Superintendent-Director shall also be accepted as meeting the contractual professional development obligations to the extent of said activity meeting the requirements of the contract.
The Greater Fall River Vocational School District, for such period as mandated by state law, shall, as a provider of teacher/administrator professional development programs subject to the parameters of budget funding appropriation.
Diman Regional Vocational Technical High School will provide professional development opportunities for academic and vocational faculty, administrators, and support staff to expand their job knowledge; subject matter knowledge; expertise of standards based curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
It is recognized that licensed staff must perform professional development in order to maintain license. Professional development will be accomplished through a combination of the following as applicable to individual staff needs:
- College credit course offerings
- Workshops and seminars
- Site visits to business and industry
- Study groups
- In-service training
- Professional development through industry employment during school vacation periods
- Provide in-service training These programs will be of short duration during released time or after school when specific topic(s) of training will take place.
- Form a Study Group. A study group will consist of any number of members necessary to accomplish the objective of the study. Said study group will meet after school and/or during school vacation periods with or without monetary stipend. Study groups time must be approved by the Superintendent-Director prior to the start of the study group purpose or project. The group will be led by a convener who shall serve as chairperson. Each meeting of the group shall have a written agenda. The group shall submit written documentation as evidence of work completed on an proposed project to be implemented. Upon receipt of documentation, each member of the study group shall be awarded appropriate professional development points. Group hours may vary depending upon the scope of the project to be implemented; however, such time variations, which may require an adjustment in professional development points awarded, must have the advanced approval of the Superintendent-Director.
- Reimburse the cost up to a maximum of fifteen (15) credits in graduate or undergraduate course offerings for every five-year (5) re-licensure period, provided that such course(s) is taken for professional development in the individual's area of primary certification. In order to qualify for tuition reimbursement:
- The course(s) must be taken at a Massachusetts state -supported community college, college, or university. Course(s) may be taken at private colleges or universities; however, such course(s) will be reimbursed at state college or university rates.
- Prior approval for enrollment in a course offering must be obtained from the Superintendent-Director.
- Course(s) must be in an individual's declared area of primary license.
- Evidence of successful course completion and method of payment must be presented to the Superintendent-Director prior to any reimbursement.
- Provide summer or school vacation professional development training days paid as a stipend determined by the Superintendent-Director based on the teachers' contract work beyond the normal school day rate.
- Provide sufficient other no-cost professional development licensure opportunities to meet the requirements of the Education Reform Act of 1993 as further described in 603 CMR 44.00 while in effect. These licensure opportunities may be held at Diman Regional or at other DESE approved provider locations. To be eligible for said no-cost professional development licensure opportunities the teacher/administrator must:
- Declare and have on file in the office of the Superintendent-Director his/her primary area of licensure.
- Submit evidence of enrollment in any professional development licensure program to the Superintendent-Director prior to the start of the program or as soon as possible thereafter. The teacher/administrator must pay any and all fees associated with said licensure program and will be reimbursed as specified in paragraph c. below.
- Submit evidence of successful completion and method of payment of a professional development recertification program to the Superintendent-Director to be reimbursed the cost of said program.
- Textbooks and materials associated with any professional licensure program taken by a teacher or administrator necessary to complete the program will become the personal property of the teacher or administrator and the cost of which shall not be reimbursed by the School District.
- Laboratory or library fees associated with any professional licensure program taken by a teacher or administrator necessary to complete said program will not be reimbursed by the School District.
- In the event that a no-cost professional development program is offered at Diman Regional and there is insufficient Diman faculty/administrators to fill the minimum number of positions required, then:
- Said program will be offered to faculty and administrators from within the district school systems first. Should additional faculty/administrators be required to fill the program, then the program will be opened to other school systems.
- Any faculty/administrators from school systems other than Diman Regional will be required to submit an approved purchase order from their school system for attending the professional development program.