• File: GBK


    The Greater Fall River Vocational School District Committee will encourage the administration to develop effective means of resolving differences that may arise among em­ployees and between employees and administrators; reduce potential areas of grievances; and establish and maintain recognized channels of communication between the staff, administration, and School Committee.

    It is the Committee's desire that grievance procedures provide for prompt and equitable adjustment of differences at the lowest pos­sible administrative level, and that each employee be assured oppor­tunity for an orderly presentation and review of complaints and con­cerns.

    Channels established will provide for the following:

    1. That teachers and other school employees may appeal a ruling of the Assistant-Superintendent Director/Principal or other administrator to the Superintendent.
    2. That all school employees may appeal a ruling of the Superintendent-Director to the Committee, except in those areas where the law has specifically assigned authority to the Assistant-Superintendent Director/Principal and/or the Superintendent-Director, and Committee action would be in conflict with that law.
    3. That all hearings of complaints before the Superintendent-Director or Committee be conducted in the presence of the administrator who made the ruling that is the subject of the grievance.

    The process established for the resolution of grievances in contracts negotiated with recognized employee bargaining units will ap­ply only to "grievances" as defined in the particular contract.


    LEGAL REFS.:                      M.G.L. 150E:5 and 8


    CONTRACT REFS.:              All Contract Agreements