• File: DK-1



    All claims for payment from the School District's funds will be processed in accordance with procedures developed by the Superintendent. Payment will be authorized against invoices properly supported by approved purchase orders, with properly submitted vouchers, or in accordance with salaries and salary schedules approved by the School Committee.


    The Superintendent will be responsible for assuring that the budget allocations are observed and that total expenditures do not exceed the amount allocated in the budget for all items.


    As an operating procedure, the Committee will receive monthly lists of bills (warrants) for payment from school department funds.


    The Committee will designate by vote a single member to be responsible for the review and approval of the warrants as correct and approved for payment. Warrants then will be forwarded to the district treasurer for processing and payment. A record of this action will be made available to the Committee on the agenda of the next regular meeting.


    Actual invoices, statements, and vouchers will be available for inspection by the School Committee upon request.


    SOURCE: MASC 2021

    LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 41:41; 41:52 41:56; 71:16A

    CROSS REF: DGA-1, Regional School District Authorized Signatures

    Approved by SC 12/08/2022


    NOTE: The above language implements a single signatory of district warrants. It should be altered according to district practice.