• File: DJ



    It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent:


    • To procure materials, supplies, equipment, and services at the lowest possible cost consistent with the quality necessary for the proper operation of the District, thereby attaining the maximum value for each public dollar spent;
    • To maintain the District’s reputation for fairness and integrity and to promote impartial and equal treatment for all who wish to conduct business with the District;
    • To encourage a mutually cooperative relationship with requesting departments, recognizing that successful purchasing is a result of team planning and effort;
    • To promote social and economic goals, such as encouraging local, small, minority, and women-owned businesses to participate in bidding for District purchases.


    The acquisition of materials, equipment and services will be centralized in the Superintendent's office of the school district.


    The Superintendent will designate the District’s purchasing agent. They will develop and administer the purchasing program for the schools in keeping with legal requirements and within the adopted school budget.


    School purchases will be made only on official purchase orders approved for issuance by the appropriate unit head and signed by the Superintendent or designee, with such exceptions as may be made by the latter for emergency purchases.



    LEGAL REFS.:          M.G.L.; 30B; 71:49A

    SOURCE: MASC 2021


    Approved by SC 12/08/2022