• File: DA-E


    The regional school district is a legal entity created by the Commonwealth and by agreement among participating municipalities. As such, it has the power: 

    1. To adopt an annual and operating budget. 
    2. To receive and disburse funds for any district purpose.
    3. To incur temporary debt in anticipation of revenue to be received from member communities.
    4. To receive any grants of gifts for the purposes of the regional school.
    5. To lease or lease with an option to purchase equipment of educational purposes for periods in accordance with state law.
    6. To lease land and buildings for educational purposes for periods in accordance with state laws.
    7. The Regional School Committee appoints its own treasurer and may appoint an assistant treasurer and other personnel to manage and operate the expenditure program and the business affairs of the school district (General Laws, Ch. 71, Sec. 16A).
    8. A Regional School Committee under the provisions of law and of the agreement assesses member municipalities for the expenses of the school district (General Laws, Ch. 71, Sec. 16 [H], Ch. 70 sec. 6 and Agreement with the regional school district.)
    9.  Prepared warrants for payrolls must be signed by the treasurer.
    10.  Prepared warrants for bills must be signed by three members of the Regional School Committee and the district treasurer.
    11.  The Regional School Committee by vote may designate the chairperson to sign contracts for equipment, materials and services advertised for bid that have been approved by the Regional School Committee.