• File: FCB


    When a school building becomes inadequate by virtue of age, condi­tion, size of site, lack of need, or other overriding limitations, and cannot reasonably and economically be brought up to the current educational standards, the building should be considered for a com­prehensive closing study.  The Superintendent will recommend to the Regional School Committee, which facilities appear to justify further analy­sis.

    The School Committee may seek both professional advice and the ad­vice of the community in making its recommendations as to the re­tirement of any school facility.  This will permit the public, which originally acquired the property, to benefit from its recycl­ing or retirement.

    A closing study will include direct involvement by those neighbor­hoods considered in the study and will be concerned with all or some of the following factors: 

    1. Age and current physical condition of the facilities, its operating systems, and program facilities
    2. Adequacy of site, location, access, surrounding development, traffic patterns, and other environmental conditions
    3. Reassignment of students, including alternative plans according to Committee policy
    4. Transportation factors, including numbers of children bussed, time, distance, and safety
    5. Alternative uses of the building
    6. Cost/Savings
      1. Personnel
      2. Plant Operation
      3. Transportation
      4. Capital Investment
      5. Alternative Use
    7. Continuity of instructional and community programs



    LEGAL REF.:    M.G.L. 71:16