• File: CN


    1. The state Board of Education and the Division of Occupational Education may collect and maintain information from any public school district relevant to its work or requested by it for the Massachusetts Advisory Council on Education (General Laws, Chapter 15, Section 1G).
    2. The Superintendent-Director is charged with the submission of a number of kinds of reports to the Department of Education. In addition, as executive officer of the school Committee he/she is responsible for "assisting it in making such reports as are required by law" (General Laws, Chapter 71, Section 59).
    3. The provisions of various laws requiring reports as well as penalties for non-compliance are included as a part of appropriate policies. Among the reports required by law are:
      1. Registration of minors (General Laws, Ch. 72, Sec. 2).
      2. Annual reports of school attending student (General Laws, Ch.72, Sec. 3).
      3. Annual transmission of school returns (General Laws, Ch. 72, Sec. 3).
      4. Report of condition of schools (General Laws, CH. 72, Sec. 4).
      5. Having school registers available for inspection by the Commissioner of Education and agents of the Department of Education (General Laws, Ch.72, Sec. 8).
      6. Annual financial and statistical report as required by the Mass. Department of Education
    4. The Superintendent-Director is responsible for making reports to the Commissioner of Education as required by law (General Laws, Ch. 69, 71, 72, 74 and 188).