• File:  BGB


    Adoption of new policies or changing existing policies is solely the responsibility of the Greater Fall River Vocational School District Committee.  Policies will be adopted and/or amended only by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the District School Committee when such action has been scheduled on the agenda of a regular or special meeting.

    To permit time for study of all policies or amendments to policies and to provide an opportunity for interested parties to react, pro­posed policies or amendments will be presented as an agenda item to the Committee in the following sequence:

    1. Information item -- distribution with agenda 
    2. Discussion item -- first reading of proposed policy or policies; response from Superintendent-Director; report from any advisory committee assigned responsibility in the area; Committee discussion and directions for any redrafting 
    3. Action item -- discussion, adoption or rejection.

    Amendments to the policy at the action stage will not require repe­tition of the sequence, unless the Committee so directs.

    The District School Committee may dispense with the above sequence to meet emergency conditions.

    Policies will be effective upon the date set by the District School Committee.  This date will ensure that affected persons have an opportun­ity to become familiar with the requirements of the new policy prior to its implementation.