• File: BCA-E


    Diman Regional Vocational Technical School Committee

    As a member of the Diman School Committee, I agree to uphold the Code of Ethics I will:

    Recognize the worth of individual members and appreciate their individual talents, perspectives and contributions;

    Help create an atmosphere of respect and civility where individual members, Diman staff, and the public are free to express their ideas and work to their full potential;

    Conduct my personal and public affairs with honesty, integrity, fairness, and respect for others;

    Respect the dignity and privacy of individuals and organizations;

    Keep the common good as my highest purpose and focus on achieving constructive solutions for the public benefit;

    Avoid and discourage conduct which is divisive or harmful to the best interests of Diman;

    Treat all people with whom I come in contact in the way I wish to be treated;

    I affirm that I have read and understood the Diman Regional Vocational Technical School Committee Code of Ethics.